
Files uwp
Files uwp

files uwp files uwp

Now let’s see how to update the ProgressBarcontrol with the method handler HttpProgressCallback. Ensure resources are released client.Dispose() inputStream.Dispose() outputStream.Dispose() Callback CopyAndCloseAsync(inputStream, outputStream) Ĩ. Open a read & write stream on the StorageFile object returned by the FileSavePicker and copy the data from the HTTP request to the StorageFile IOutputStream outputStream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite) await RandomAccessStream. Read the data stream received by the HTTP request IInputStream inputStream = await () ħ. AsTask(tokenSource.Token, progressCallback) Ħ. Get the response headers var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, new Uri()) HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendRequestAsync(request). Initialize the HttpClient and set the progress handler var client = new HttpClient() Progress progressCallback = new Progress(httpProgressCallback) ĥ. Retrieve the FileStorage object StorageFile file = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync() Ĥ. Var savePicker = new ()) savePicker.SuggestedFileName = photo.Id // pre-fill file's nameģ. Create a FileSavePicker object to let the user choose the file’s destination NOTE: You need to add Pictures Library capability to give your app read & write accesses to the Pictures Library.string fileName = "test.jpg" StorageFile file = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync(newFileName) StorageFolder localFolder = // Create a new file in the app's local folder. Here is a quick sample: using System using Windows.Storage // Get the app's local folder to use as the destination folder.

files uwp

But you must provide a StorageFile object to save the image to the device’s storage. NOTE: If you don’t want to use a FileSavePickerin your app, skip the first three steps.

Files uwp